If you are asking…

“Do I need a landscape architect on my design team?”, the answer is “You can’t afford not to.” Twice last week our firm was asked to participate in early planning meetings with an Owner and other design professionals to round table potential projects that were being evaluated for market viability. A survey of the site was laid out on the table and each of us took turns sketching on flimsy and discussing how the proposed uses could best be sited causing minimal impact to natural systems and still pencil out financially for the Owner. The cast of characters included a Geo-technical Engineer who steered us clear of unsuitable soils, a Civil Engineer who dialed in appropriate road widths, impervious surface thresholds and preliminary storm water systems and volumes, the wetland biologist who identified habitats, setbacks and mitigation options, and an Architect who offered footprint options for structures. The Landscape Architects role, integrate design parameters presented by the other team members and current best practices into site specific design options that functionally and aesthetically balance the built and natural environments. Did you get that? Let me expand further.

Our Roots

In order to understand what value a landscape architect can offer to a project, one must first understand our background.  Landscape architecture is considered an environmental design discipline where, in a professional degree program, students learn to be effective designers through hands-on participation in multi-disciplinary design processes.  Course work spans the gamut from earth sciences, construction materials and methods, plant and soils science, social sciences and humanities, site engineering, landscape/architectural history and cultural studies to local, urban and regional site design and planning, professional practices and the visual arts.  This tool chest of skills supports the landscape architects ability to creatively re-shape the world, enhance its artistic and functional dimensions, respect the ecological health and enhance the cultural significance and social relevance.  Basically, landscape architects are the Jack (and Jill) of all trades in the design profession.

Translation into the Working World

So how does that apply to the working world?  Back to the table of design professionals reviewing the proposed project.  Once the unsuitable soils and protected native areas were delineated, storm water system loosely defined, general square footage of buildings and their inter-relationships determined, then the landscape architect’s work began.  We first considered preservation of significant site features that included stands of native vegetation, view corridors, access to shoreline areas and a historic structure.  We also evaluated on-site and off-site views to determine how siting the new improvements would impact significant views from within and outside the project area.  Why would that be important you ask?  Allow me to deviate for a moment. 

A Short Story

A cross-country ski facility wanted to expand their operation on the north slope of the Lake Tahoe basin. This involved expanding an existing structure and adding two new parking areas to accommodate guests.  The facility was located along a highway designated as a scenic corridor that offered some of the most spectacular views of Lake Tahoe and the Mt. Rose wilderness areas.  As you pass through the pristine wilderness area and crest the grade with Lake Tahoe opening before you, the last thing you want to see is a sprawling ski hut and sea of asphalt full of parked cars.  Our visual analysis report reviewed several siting options for the proposed improvements, identified opportunities, constraints and mitigation measures for each, and gave a recommendation for the best design alternative.  Our site data included aerial photos to map existing vegetation, topography maps to determine sight lines from various critical view points, site photos, and (the best part) physically traversing the area to study design solutions.

Again, Back to the Round Table

With views, protected areas, setbacks and preferred access points known, we began programming the site to best accommodate the proposed structures, pedestrian and vehicular circulation corridors, storm and utility systems and open space areas.  What began as a series of bubbles and wavy lines, later that morning evolved into a scalable series of master plans that the Owner and team members could put numbers to for initial project costing.  The landscape architect, with their diverse background and working knowledge of the other design disciplines, is able to integrate those elements into a comprehensive design that respects the site and offers a functional and aesthetic solution.

There is More

Landscape architecture professions have been the front runners in the environmental design approach since the profession emerged.  While LEED accreditation and certification are the buzz words in architectural design circles today, the early pioneers of landscape architecture were utilizing the benefits of the same natural systems to create sustainable sites in both urban and rural areas.  And our profession is constantly evolving and growing.  From greenroofs to greenwalls, healing and restorative gardens to playgrounds, campgrounds and parks; urban plazas to rural conservation districts; native habitat restoration to zoo exhibits; downtown restoration to Disneyland.  A landscape architect will add both depth and value to your design team.

Kathleen Reader LA, ASLA is principal of Bradley Design Group, a landscape architecture firm based in Tacoma, WA that offers a full range of design services to private and public sector clients across the NW.